About the Mouse Hacking Mailbag

We recently introduced a new feature for our newsletter subscribers — the Mouse Hacking Mailbag. In this post, we outline the basics about how we envision this new feature working.

Note: The Mailbag is no longer accepting new submissions.

Submitting a Question to the Mouse Hacking Mailbag

You must be a newsletter subscriber to submit a question. You can subscribe to the newsletter here (submissions temporarily closed).

You can submit a question here (submissions temporarily closed). The form (as of this update) has three fields:

Email Address

You’re required to submit your email address. This is so we can confirm you are a subscriber and let you know when we respond to your question. Your email address won’t be shared or included when we respond to your question.

If you’re concerned about anonymity with us, the best I can do is assure you we won’t judge your question as long as it’s appropriate. If you really hate some hotel we love and want to convince your partner to stay at your favorite hotel, we’re happy to give some talking points in your favor.

Your Question

This is where you’ll submit your question. It can be about Disney travel or any travel. Other topics might get answered, but we’re not really experts in them. We may need to follow up with you to clarify some details (or we’ll answer the question best we can, and you can follow up with us).

Your question will be shared on our website and with our newsletter (though you can stay completely anonymous if you wish).

We may tweak questions for readability or to expand/narrow the topic. You can always follow up with us if you’d like more information.

How You’d Like to Be Identified

You can leave this section blank (or write “anonymous”) to just remain anonymous. In this case, we might give you a fake name or just refer to you as anonymous.

Otherwise, any details you put in this box might be shared to identify you. E.g. if you wrote “I’m Ken, on instagram @coffeeandcomplaints”) then we would call you “Ken” in the question and share your instagram username. This might be helpful in case other people want to follow up with you about your question.

Getting a Response

About Our Responses

Our responses reflect our opinions only, though we may point you to other resources we trust, sometimes maybe even ones that disagree with us. We’re not affiliated with Disney in any way, and our answers aren’t based on any information besides what is available to the general public.

In particular, our predictions about when X ride will open or when Y safety requirement will be changed are just educated guesses.

How to Get a Response

We hope to respond to all questions either via a post on our website or by contacting you directly. Of course, if we’re overwhelmed this might not happen, and we’re sorry about that.

Questions with broader appeal or that pose interesting challenges are more likely to be featured in the newsletter or on the website. Questions like “What is the best ride at Magic Kingdom?” are likely just to get a private response directing you to our post on the topic.

When To Expect a Response

We hope to answer questions within a few weeks. If we get a lot of really good questions, we might have to space them out more, in which case timely questions will get faster response.